09 July, 2010

I was on surgery intervention

Couple months ago huge hernia appeared on my groin. I had problem and pain during walking. I went to doctor and he sent me to hospital. Intervention was on monday, and yesterday I went out of hospital. Now any physical activity is forbidden to me, and I'll have more time to have fun...

That's it, as much as older you are, you have more medical problems...


БанеМ said...

Нисам ти свраћао на страницу још од...

Не знам енглески добро колико и ти али како се то ватра шири по "all counters" (свим бројачима или тако нешто, да ниси мислио свим угловима стана; corners->углови).

C'mon man that surgery you have is just a small health hazard (really not a big thing), it is not like you have a surgery on a open brain, God forbid.

...нисам ти свраћао на страницу од мењања боје (успут видим msg-box је прсо, то је у опцији за Џ, погледаћу за неки други, ако хоћеш).

Gloomy themes are not fun, хајде мало више ведрих тема...

Wile E. Coyote said...

counters - то су не само бројачи већ и кухињски елементи.

А за msgbox види среди ако те не мрзи...

BaneM said...

Nije me mrzelo.

Sredjeno :)